Postdoctoral fellows
Positions are currently available for the study of genetic models of adult onset hearing loss. New hearing loss loci have recently been identified by leveraging whole exomes linked to electronic health records in the Penn Medicine Biobank. Join a highly collaborative team of scientists and physicians to generate and characterize novel mouse models using state of the art gene editing, imaging and genome wide approaches. Contact Dr. Epstein directly for inquiries about this position.
Graduate students
The Epstein lab is accepting rotation students to investigate the topological organization of the Shh locus during embryonic brain development. Our interactive team uses cutting edge approaches that combine super resolution imaging, oligopaints, and genetic mouse models to address the interplay between genome folding, gene regulation and gene function.
Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students looking for opportunities to gain valuable research experience in a supportive and interactive environment are encouraged to contact Dr. Epstein.